GoldRock Infratech

★★★ India's First & Only Steel Jerrycan That Is Approved By PESO and Designed As Per ISO Standards. ★★★

GoldRock Infratech Pvt Ltd. - Jerrycan Manufacturer In India


"Official channel Partner of Indian oil corporation Ltd ( IOCL ) for supply of peso approved containers to its all petrol pumps."


"Our products are .designed as per TUV norms"

Huge capacity and durable design

This steel jerrycan’s providing you with a voluminous capacity of 20L. to cater to your fuel needs all along the way. The jerrycan comes in varied colours and designs and weighs just approx 3.9kgs. The inner layer is coated with petroleum resistant paint to avoid rusting or damage and keep petrol un-contaminated for a longer time. This rust-proof paint allows steel jerrycan to last for years.

Certified product

The product is designed per national safety standards and norms and is certified and approved by TUV India Pvt. Ltd. The product also finds approval from the Petroleum and Explosive Safety Organization (PESO), India. The product is hence known for its safety and usefulness.

Leak proof

If you are doubtful about whether or not this jerrycan would leak? Here’s the answer, by no chance. The jerrycan comes with a rubber gasket at its mouth to assure 100% leak-proof products. The dual lock safety caps accompanied over the mouth provides dual security and safety to the product and elements it contains.

Serves multiple purpose

The steel jerrycan is designed to help carry fuel of any kind, may it be petrol or diesel. So you do not need to think about which type of fuel your vehicle runs on, as this jerrycan suits the needs of all. They come with a dual-layer to protect your fuel from deteriorating and external factors.

Our Cerification

achieving all indian standards


PESO REGULatroy approved



certificate of incorporation10241024_1

We not only manufacture jerrycan but provide transportation solution also to transport fuel


Those RO/ PETROL PUMPS / REFULLING companies which are adamant to Spend huge amount on bowsers
Here , We present the option to refuel via PESO approved jerrycan set up on 4 wheelers –

Features –

1.In.a single go , around 1000 Liters can be transported.

2. This whole setup only requires 50 Jerry canes ., jerrycan stand as fitted on vechile and chasis.

3. This whole set up costs only 10 lakhs including the cost of vechile .the vechile used for this set up are light weight vechile which are much more cheaper then those used in fuel Bowsers.

4. In case vechile is provided by customer the total cost for whole . is approx 2 lakhs

5.For those cases where customer buy vechile also the whole set up. costs approx 10.lakhs including GST , as compared to 30 lakhs which customer spend on buying the Bowser for the same. Purpose .

6. This set up is much more efficient then Bowser due to its light weight , good average, , filling congested .places also


“We also fabricate bike stand which helps to carry 5 jerrycan at a time i.e. 100 liters trip , It helps to delivery. Fuel at congested place where 4 – wheelers can not reach . Moreover
” , All jerrycan, AS USED , being approved by PESO ,


Jerry Can in Market

Product types

Steel jerrycan come in varied shapes and designs. Offering different methods of use. On the basis of product design the steel jerrycan comes in to mode.


The manual steel jerrycan is easy to use and come with an in-built manual lock system approved by Petroleum and Explosive Safety Organization (PESO). It has a rubber gasket mouth which is 100% leakproof and safe. It has a nozzle to easily transfer fuel into the fuel jerrycan of your vehicle.


The auto mode steel jerrycan has an electronic lock replacing the traditional manual lock system. This is extremely safe as this lock is automated through OTP. Once the user enters the provided code, your lock opens otherwise it is sealed tightly and would not open at all.


WE work on Quality

Strong Body

Our Jerrycan is made from rockhard material

Cracks Proof

Our product shall be free from cracks in every condition

Powder Coated

Jerrycan is power coated internally and externally to make them completely corrosion safe

Rounded Corners

Rounded Corners of the product provide safety from injuries

Sturdy Handles

The Sturdy handle makes it easy to carry anywhere without much hassle.

Each Jerrycan goes Through

Air Leakage Test

Each and every jerrycan will go through an internal air pressure of 70kPa while fully immersed under water. It shall show no sign of leakage.

Hot Water Test

The Jerrycan with the filler cap tightly closed shall be immersed in a hot water bath maintained at 50C for a minimum or lesser than 60 Seconds.

Hydraulic Pressure Test

The Jerrycan shall not leak when subject to an internal hydraulic pressure of 280kPa kept steady for not less then 30 seconds.

Pouring Test

The Jerrycan shell be filled with 20 Liters of water and then poured out slowly in which pouring will be guggle free and filter cap do not fall.

Drop Test

The jerrycan shall be filled with 20 Liters of water and then be suspended diagonally and drop thrice; one drop on each bottom corner.

Hardness Test

The toggle pin and hinge pin when tested for hardness shall have brinell IS : 3259-1966 methods for sampling of metal containers

Yes definitely, as it helps store large amounts of fuel fit for long road trips and vacations, so you do not have to worry about finding a fuel station. It’s handy and easy to carry in the car or any other vehicle. It’s safe to carry fuel for multiple days. It’s easy to install and use in refilling your fuel tank. It’s spillproof and better than carrying fuel in plastic tanks or bottles which either contaminate or spill fuel all over and are risky to carry.

No, this is a leak-proof jerrycan. It comes with a durable material that is supposed to hold all the material avoiding leaks. The material used in this jerrycan is metal/ steel which is made hardened through the varied process. The product is quite thick to allow no open pores. Before deploying the product it is thoroughly tested for anomalies per laboratory standards.

This jerrycan weighs 4140g. This jerrycan is the ideal solution for storing both Petrol and Diesel up to 20 litres of volume. The jerrycan comes with an inner  and  outer jerrycan to shield the inner to contain such a large volume without spilling or without breaking open.  It has certifiable down points and internal surge baffles to minimize fuel surge during transport

These fuel Jerrycan, if not met with any external damage last at least a decade. There might be variance in durability according to the way of use and maintenance. The tank is transportable and hence are designed with a primary inner tank and a strong steel outer tank to eliminate even the slightest chance of leakage or breaking. These tanks are helpful for decades all it requires is a minimum of maintenance.

The Jerrycan comes with an in-built ATEX Rated pump, that helps the easy transfer of fuel into the fuel tank of the vehicle safely. This pump is designed to use in an explosive environment safely. The instruction manual contains the details on the use of the pump carefully to avoid accidents refer to the manual for the instructions. There is a cap that regulates pressure and covers the nozzle to maintain safety and avoid spillage.

The tank is incorporated with a fuel vapour/air mixture that is well above the flammability limits and thus cannot burn even if an ignition source is present. Jerrycan contains a dual-body to avoid direct contact with sunlight or any flammable thing with the fuel. To avoid spillage these two tank designs are quite helpful. The tight cap over the nozzle pump pushes gasoline into the fuel lines at high pressure to avoid extremities due to the sudden escape of the fuel from the tank.

Why the product is superior to others?

Safety measures are kept in mind to ensure the final product is vapour free, leak-proof, heat resistant, our product is designed in conformity with IS 8996-1988 code, and the product passes all the safety tests as prescribed in IS 8996- 1988 code, this is ist jerrycan in the country which is fully indigenous and has been approved by PESO and has been designed as per IS 8996- 1988 standard.

The product is also approved by TUV India PVT LTD and undergoes third-party inspection in every lot which ensures the high quality and overall safety of the final product, this is best-suited Solution

Products Sold
Years Of Experience
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Office Details

Head Office

SCO 100, 2nd Floor, Sector 47 C, Chandigarh
+91 9779775205
+91 9779778323

Sales Office

First-floor Building No.12 ,Near Metro Station Cybercity, Gurgaon
+91 97797 75204
+91 97797785284


Hadbast-12 , Village Bhagwanpur , Derrabasi , SAS Nagar , Punjab(140604)

Office 1

SCO 100, 2nd Floor, Sector 47 C, Chandigarh
+91 9899168309

Office 1

SCO 100, 2nd Floor, Sector 47 C, Chandigarh
+91 9899168309

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